Nick Romeo is the author of The Alternative: How to Build a Just Economy. He covers policy and ideas for The New Yorker and teaches in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He has also written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Geographic, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, The MIT Technology Review, and many other venues.


We should’ve listened to Plato, and Aristotle, too, for that matter: They warned us that skilled orators feed our craving for what sounds good but leads to a post-fact world.


The venerable environmentalist organization has been around for 125 years, battling all sorts of politicians, but its leaders call Trump’s election an ‘extreme challenge.’

Ancient and Modern

Greece’s economic collapse and social disarray make the country ripe for satire, which helps explain why a centuries-old comedy by Aristophanes is a big hit there this summer.