Hebron is of inestimable religious and historical value to the Jewish people, says Samuel Lebens—but that doesn't mean Israel won't have to give it up.
Rabbi Dr. Samuel Lebens is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Notre Dame's Center for Philosophy of Religion, and is the chair of the Association for the Philosophy of Judaism.
Self-proclaimed left-wing settler Samuel Lebens takes issue with the E.U.'s new guidelines on Israeli settlements—but not for the reasons you might think.
The fractious Orthodox Jewish world seems to be giving way to sectarianism. Should we care? Reflecting on the Ninth of Av, a day of Jewish mourning, Samuel Lebens says no.
Samuel Lebens argues that it's in the Israeli peace camp's interest to empower certain Jewish settlers.
Samuel Lebens on how politician Hamad Amar is helping Israeli Druze youth feel part of the wider Israeli society, without giving up on the traditions, beliefs and rituals that make the Druze distinct.
Samuel Lebens shares some of the more surprising things that he's going miss—and not going to miss—about life in the Occupied Territories.
Thatcher—despite being a great friend of Israel—espoused an ideology that threatens to usher in the death of Zionism, writes Samuel Lebens.
Samuel Lebens on how Obama should recognize that not all settlements are equal, and not all are bad for peace.
Samuel Lebens on how each religious party in the Knesset has their own god.