Prosecutors are 0-2 in convictions against the six officers after Edward Nero was acquitted of four misdemeanors on Monday. Good luck with murder.
Tom Nolan is an associate professor of criminology and the director of graduate programs in criminology at Merrimack College. Nolan is a 27-year veteran and former lieutenant of the Boston Police Department.
State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced criminal charges to much applause, but she did not allege cops used a ‘rough ride.’
It’s good he was arrested and charged with murder, but the Supreme Court made it hard to actually convict trigger-happy police officers.
After years of training to ticket and harass the citizens they were supposed to protect and serve, it’s going to take more than a new boss to fix the department.
Robert McCulloch could’ve indicted Michael Brown’s killer himself. Instead, he barely pushed the jurors to charge the cop and allowed the unprecedented step of letting the officer testify.