In the race to create new and clickable content, our culture churns out a massive amount of nonsense under the guise of creativity. Every now and then, however, a real gem will rise to the surface. Such is the case with the Food Surgeon, who’s brilliant, hilarious, and no doubt delicious work stems from a place of ironic inspiration that so many snarky viral video creators can only strive to emulate on a second- or third-tier level.
Equally amazing are his notes, found on his blog at
0:05 - Maybe I should just eat this candy and make a video some other time?
0:07 - No, I'm a professional. I got this.
0:49 - Sloppy scalpel work. Better not get sued for malpractice.
2:32 - Totally going to eat this paper towel later.
3:33 - What have I created? Urge to eat patient is overwhelming.
3:40 - Patient is delicious.
3:51 - Patient is really, really delicious.
Watch the video above, and see you on the candy isle.