The editor in chief of Breitbart News, Alex Marlow, said in a new NBC News interview that he believes the site is mischaracterized. “There’s a lot of Americans out there who I think would love to read our content,” Marlow told reporters. “And they haven’t been told that it’s OK to do so. It’s OK to check us out. We’re not a hate site.” White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who used to run the “news” site, has had a significant influence in Trump’s administration, leading to a belief that the company is just a “platform for the alt-right.” Marlow admits that it’s been called “Trumpbart” and accused of anti-Semitism, but he contends that’s “unfair.” Trump is said to read the site diligently, often getting theories and ideas for tweets from its content. Marlow said, “If he makes good on those promises, he’s going to get a lot of favorable coverage. When we feel like the president is not honoring the pledges he made to the public, he’s going to get critical coverage.” Despite Marlow’s protestations, the site has an undeniably long history of xenophobic, racist, and misogynistic news coverage and giving a platform to prominent alt-right trolls like Milo Yiannopoulos.
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Breitbart Editor: ‘We Are Not a Hate Site’