Cate Blanchett made a sustainable splash on the red carpet Tuesday by wearing a shirt made of spoons to a screening of her new film Borderlands. The metallic look consisted of 102 spoons and was paired with black pants, heels, and very little jewelry. According to Page Six, this isn’t the Oscar winner’s first foray into sustainable clothing. The outlet reports that Blanchett has made a point to re-wear gowns and other items at different events, and Vogue has tallied at least eight times the movie star wore the same thing twice. An Instagram post from red carpet stylist Elizabeth Stewart revealed that the top was from the Swedish brand Hoda Kova and the spoons were “sourced in the Swedish countryside.” “A whole new meaning for Spooning!” Stewart captioned the pic. The brand prides itself on sustainability by using repurposed materials in its pieces. “By converting old materials into luxurious goods, stories are told through portraits of time,” the brand’s site states.
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