You’ve read The Daily Beast for years. Now we want you to join us.
Every day, our political team goes running into a hurricane of lies to bring you what’s true. Every night, our entertainment and arts teams scour their industries and hit screening after screening, show after show, to tell you what’s really worth your time. Our travel writers hopscotch around the world to uncover hidden gems. Our science squad is on patrol for the most remarkable discoveries, from hyper-intelligent dinosaurs to organs we didn’t know existed. Our national desk loves showcasing everyday heroes almost as much as they enjoy nailing a villian. Our foreign correspondents grapple with the cartels, the militiamen, and the occasional spy to give you a clearer picture of the planet.
So now we’d like you to stand with us. To be a part of our team. Today we’re launching a membership program that we call Beast Inside.
The Beast has always hustled to bring you the biggest, most intense stories on the planet. In the years leading up to the #MeToo era, we exposed one Hollywood creep after another. Months before Robert Mueller indicted the Kremlin propaganda machine, our reporters had the troll farm dead to rights. We’ve faced down dirty cops and sex cult capos. We’ve unmasked Silicon Valley rich boys as shitposters and wife-beaters. And even when scandals hit close to home, we didn’t shy away.
Pro-Russian thugs can try to kidnap our reporters. Trump’s fixer can try to threaten us. Billionaires’ online mobs can try to to push us around. We. Keep. Coming.
We don’t need to tell you that there are folks in Washington and in corporate suites that would rather we pipe down and slink away. But that’s not going to happen, especially not when you decide to back us up as a member of Beast Inside.
Your membership is a big deal for us. It helps us publish the fierce, fearless journalism we love. And we hope it’ll be a big deal for you, too. When you sign up for Beast Inside—it’s just $50 for the first year when you join as a founding member, less than a buck a week—you get a trove of exclusive material. That includes “Omnishambles”—our private podcast on the totally normal, highly functioning world that is Trump’s Washington; the Beast Files—monthly, serialized mysteries that only members can binge on; and Rabbit Hole—our mile-deep dive into the day’s biggest story. Members will also receive early access to our juiciest features, and they’ll get the chance to customize their Cheat Sheet. They’ll even have the chance to be published in our pages.
Most important, this is your chance to support the kind of journalism that tells the raw truth instead of repeating the everyday niceties that obscure it, that speaks up to power when everyone else is too polite to be real. Because journalism isn’t just a job for us. It’s a calling. It’s a mission.
We’re hoping you’ll join us on that mission, starting today.