Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday accused Germany of Nazi-like behavior and “fascist actions” for withdrawing permits for rallies in support of a Turkish referendum vote. Officials in Germany recently revoked permission for two pro-Erdogan rallies that would have drawn Turkish citizens. Top Turkish ministers were set to address the crowds. “Germany, you have no relation whatsoever to democracy and you should know that your current actions are no different to those of the Nazi period,” Erdogan said Sunday at an Istanbul rally. “When we say that, they get disturbed. Why are you disturbed?” German Chancellor Angela Merkel has yet to respond to the controversy, but the deputy leader of her party said Erdogan was “reacting like a willful child that cannot have his way.” The referendum, slated for April 16, would grant Erdogan new powers that he says are necessary in order to fight Kurdish rebels and extremists.
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