Speaking out for the first time since she inadvertently announced the wrong Best Picture winner at this year's Academy Awards, actress Faye Dunaway told the Today show that she feels "very guilty" about what happened. "It's a moment I still have not recovered from," Dunaway told Lester Holt. "What happened that night was Warren [Beatty] opened the envelope, took the card out and didn't speak," she said, regretfully adding the fact that she took the card out of his hand and read the name of the film La La Land, instead of Moonlight, which was the actual winner. "I thought, I could have done something, surely. Why didn't I see Emma Stone's name on the top of the card?" she asked herself. "But something about that moment in front of the entire world and all those lights and all our history I think just combined to make us both not able to perform what normally one would perform. Normally, we would say, 'This is the wrong card.' But it didn't happen that way." Dunaway said she and Beatty are not yet at the point where they can laugh about the mistake.
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