FIFA is under scrutiny for its questionable decision to award Qatar the 2022 World Cup after the Sunday Times reported that some of its officials took bribes to support the bid. According to the UK publication, up to £3 million, or just over $5 million, was paid in exchange for some FIFA members' support. FIFA's chief investigator, Michael Garcia, is now researching the corruption charges, which could potentially lead to a re-vote regarding the World Cup location. FIFA Vice President Jim Boyce said "If Garcia reports that wrongdoing happened for the 2022 vote then it has to be looked at very seriously. I would have no problem if the recommendation was for a re-vote.” The bribing allegations center around FIFA official Mohammad Bin Hammam, who has already been banned from the sport for life twice due to previous corruption charges. Among other issues, there are reportedly documents showing he made payments into accounts controlled by 30 presidents of African football associations.
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