“I am a First Amendment absolutist,” Fox Sports Radio host Clay Travis declared on CNN Friday afternoon. “I believe in only two things absolutely: the First Amendment and boobs.”
That was enough to stop anchor Brooke Baldwin in her tracks during a debate that was supposed to be about ESPN host Jemele Hill’s recent comments about President Donald Trump.
“Hold on! Hold on!,” Baldwin said, interrupting her guest. “I just want to make sure I understood you correctly, as a woman anchoring the show. What did you just say? You believe in in the First Amendment and B-double-O-B-S?”
“Boobs,” Travis repeated. “Two things that have never let me down in this entire country’s history: the First Amendment and boobs. So those are the only two things I believe in absolutely in the country.” He went on to make the point that if ESPN is going to fire Curt Schilling for making transphobic comments on Facebook, then the network should terminate Hill for calling the president a “white supremacist” on Twitter.
But Baldwin couldn’t move past the “boobs” line. “As a woman, I’m —” she said, unable to finish the sentence. “Why would you even say that live on national television and with female host? Why would you even go there?”
“I say it live on the radio all the time,” Travis replied. As the Washington Post reported following the segment, he wrote it in a blog post as early as June 2015.
Meanwhile, Baldwin seemed just as baffled on Twitter after the whole thing was over as she did on air.