
Groin Pains

Actor Channing Tatum just opened up about an on-set accident that severely burned his penis. VIEW OUR GALLERY of other below-the-belt incidents.

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Channing Tatum doesn’t mind talking to reporters about the most intimate of details. The 29-year-old actor divulged an accident that happened last October while shooting the film The Eagle of the Ninth. While in the Scottish Highlands, the temperatures were so cold he said, “the only way to keep warm was by pouring a mix of boiling water and river water down your suit.” But when one of the crew members forgot to dilute the water, Tatum had boiling water poured down his suit and, he says, “pretty much burned the skin off the head of my dick.” He immediately went to the hospital and after a few months is fully recovered. “Now my penis is fantastic! One hundred percent recovered. Put me back in the game, Coach,” he told Details in their February cover story.

Munawar Hosain / Fotos International / Getty Images

Four Wisconsin women were thrust into the limelight last August after a married man—who was in a relationship with two of the women—was lured to a hotel room by them, blindfolded, bound, and allegedly had his penis Krazy Glued to his stomach. While the man was immobile, the women reportedly berated him with questions over whom he loved more, and which one he wanted to grow old with. (None of the above?) All four women have been charged with false imprisonment, and one woman is accused of sexual assault for brandishing the adhesive. The condition of the man’s genitals is less clear.

Calumet County Sheriff's Office

Say what you will about the marriage of Kate and Jon Gosselin, they have nothing on Lorena and John Wayne Bobbitt. In 1993, after years of alleged abuse, Lorena cut off John’s penis with a carving knife while he slept. She later tried to hide the evidence by driving off and throwing his detached member in a field. Lorena eventually called 911, the penis was packed in ice, and reattached during a nine and a half hour operation. In the ensuing trial, Lorena was found not guilty due to insanity and later founded an organization to prevent domestic violence. John Wayne took a different route and tried to capitalize on his notoriety by starring in two adult films (including the charmingly titled Frankenpenis) and headlining a band called The Severed Parts.

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A household chore turned especially frightening last year for a 14-year-old boy in India. While cleaning out his aquarium, the boy apparently had to urinate and instead of (logically) putting the fish back into the tank, he took it to the bathroom where it slipped out of his hand and somehow (!) swam up his urethra. The two-centimeter fish was removed from his bladder with an ureterscope, typically used for taking out bladder stones. Luckily, the little Nemo was a typical beta, and not a Candiru, the legendary razorfish known for terrorizing men who unwisely decide to urinate in lakes.

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When some on-set flirtations go wrong, they go very, very wrong. James Woods starred in the 1988 drama The Boost with actress Sean Young, and the two became embroiled in a very public spat after Woods slapped her with a $2 million sexual-harassment suit, claiming that she left a disfigured doll on his doorstep, among other questionable behavior. An urban legend was born out of the drama, when it was rumored that Young super-glued Woods’ penis to his leg. While both claimed the story to be entirely false, Woods did not do himself any favors when he once joked, “Well, actually, it was to my ankle." The lawsuit, settled out of court, was recently described by Young as “so retardedly stupid that anyone could have believed it.”

Kevin Winter / Getty Images; Piyal Hosain, Fotos International / Getty Images)

An accused flasher was recently cleared of embarrassing charges in England after it was determined his penis did not match the description given by the offended female guard. His ace in the hole? A two-inch tattoo of a lizard named “Larry” on his penis. The charges were dismissed against Barry Kenny, who drives forklifts for a living—without his having to provide evidence of his ink in court. Kenny alleges that one of his friends was responsible for the drunken, unzippered moment. His wife, meanwhile, says, “That tattoo probably saved his skin.”


Soccer players aren’t known for being the toughest athletes, but no one can accuse Bulgarian midfielder Chavdar Yankov of being soft. In 2005, the 21-year-old Yankov suffered an unfortunate injury during a game for his German club, Hannover 96. After a particularly harsh tackle, Yankov had a three-inch gash in his penis and had six stitches to patch it up. Instead of nursing his wound, however, he rushed back on the field and even scored a goal, leading his team to a win over Frankfurt.

Nadine Rupp, Bongarts / Getty Images

One of the most persistent below-the-belt stories involves Rasputin, the Russian mystic with a mysterious life and even stranger death. On December 19, 1916, Rasputin was killed by a group of Russian nobles, and a number of sources say Rasputin’s penis was cut off during his murder and numerous urban legends have continued about its location. Initially, a maid reportedly kept the prize until a group of Parisian women supposedly began worshipping it as a fertility charm in the 1920s. In 2004, Rasputin’s penis became a hot topic again, when it became one of the featured exhibits in a recently opened museum of erotica in Russia. One of the museum researchers claimed he purchased the penis for $8,000, but there is no way to prove if the penis preserved in formaldehyde is, indeed, that of the famed Russian healer.

AP Photo

Last month, a man in Wantage, England, accidentally cut off his penis with a hand saw, in an accident one hopes was at least alcohol-related. Stuart Keen, 54 years old, was building a cabinet when his hand slipped and his penis was severed. Luckily, his doctors were more skilled at surgery than Keen was at carpentry, and were able to reattach his missing piece. Poor Keen’s mother defended him with an unlikely excuse, saying, "This was an unfortunate accident but these things happen all the time to people in his profession."

Siri Berting / Getty Images

In the Book of Genesis, God asks Abraham to circumcise himself, saying, “This is My covenant between Me, and between you and your offspring that you must keep: You must circumcise every male. You shall be circumcised through the flesh of your foreskin. This shall be the mark of the covenant between Me and you.” Abraham complied, it must be noted, at the age of 99.

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