
Hamas Appoints English-Language Spokeswoman

The News From Israel

"From our point of view, the possibility of holding a national referendum is real and and the work of persuasion must start from now."--Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer on just-launched Peace Now campaign to persuade Israelis to support a two-state solution. (See video.)

  • Hamas appoints English-language spokeswoman - Isra Al-Mudallal, 23, will help improve Palestinian public diplomacy. She hoped to speak to Israelis, but Hamas was quick to remind her of ban on Israeli media. (Haaretz+, Ynet and Maan)
  • Arab MK: Jewish prayer on Temple Mount will lead to Intifada - Knesset's Interior Committee holds discussion regarding making possible Jewish prayer on Temple Mount. Arab MKs slam idea. Verbal clashes between Arab MKs and rightwing MKs ensue. (Ynet, Maan, Haaretz+ and NRG Hebrew with video and photos)
  • NGO films soldiers training near West Bank cemetery - Training in Palestinian villages approved by military advocate-general, though soldiers cautioned not to put local population at risk. (Haaretz+ + video)
  • Jerusalem man succumbs to 4-year-old wounds from clashes with Israeli forces - Rami Bajis Zalabani, 27, died Monday evening from the wounds he sustained when IDF forces shot him in the chest with a rubber-coated steel bullet four years ago. (Maan)
  • Israeli authorities halt work on 2 Palestinian houses in Idhna - Israeli forces ordered the owners of the two buildings to stop construction on their own houses in the city west of Hebron near the Green Line. (Maan)
  • Israeli bulldozers uproot 25 olive trees west of Salfit - Israeli bulldozers on Monday razed Palestinian lands west of Salfit and uprooted 25 olive trees in order to to pave the way for the expansion of Bruchin settlement. (Maan)
  • Witnesses: Israeli forces fire tear gas at Hebron schools - Israeli military forces fired tear gas and sound bombs at two elementary schools in Hebron on Monday. Dozens of students suffered from gas inhalation. (Maan)

For the full News from Israel.

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