
Hannah Anderson & Kidnapper Played Russian Roulette


After kidnapper threatened her with a gun.

Details of the horrific kidnapping of California teen Hannah Anderson who was taken across the Idaho mountains by family friend James DiMaggio after he killed her mother, 8-year-old brother, and the family dog, only get more gruesome. The 16-year-old told the Today show in an interview which will air on Thursday, that DiMaggio ordered her to play Russian roulette after telling her his kidnapping plans, but stopped when she began crying at her turn. "He told me he was going to kidnap me and take me to Idaho, where my intention was just to carry his backpacks to the river. And that he was gonna live there," she said. "And then he'd get me home afterwards." The kidnapper was killed by FBI agents responding to an Amber Alert tip, and a book questioning Anderson's behavior will be released in early November.

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