House of Cards will end its run after its sixth and final season, set to premiere in 2018, Netflix announced Monday. The show, which had already started filming this month, will continue production amidst the allegations that star and executive producer Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance on actor Anthony Rapp when he was just 14 years old more than 30 years ago. Spacey drew ire Sunday night for using his apology to Rapp as a platform to come out for the first time publicly as gay. In a statement earlier on Monday, House of Cards creator Beau Willimon called Rapp's story “deeply troubling,” adding that while he never “witnessed nor was aware of any inappropriate behavior on set or off” he takes “reports of such behavior seriously and this is no exception.” In a separate joint statement, Netflix and Media Rights Capital, the independent studio that produces the show, wrote that they are “deeply troubled by last night’s news concerning Kevin Spacey,” adding, “In response to last night’s revelations, executives from both of our companies arrived in Baltimore this afternoon to meet with our cast and crew to ensure that they continue to feel safe and supported. As previously scheduled, Kevin Spacey is not working on set at this time.”
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