
Israel-EU Rift Deepening Over Settlement Funding

News from Israel

Quote of the day:

"The government does not like Israel, but the people don't care. They just want to live well."

--S., a religious Jewish Iranian young woman who recently immigrated to Israel and joined the Israeli army.

  • From the streets of Iran to the Israeli Border PoliceUntil one and a half years ago, S., 23, lived with her religious Jewish family in Iran and dreamed of immigrating to Israel. She followed her dream, left behind her family with the help of the Jewish Agency, and today she finished basic training and will be certified as a Border Police fighter. Her family does not want to immigrate, she says. "We talk by phone and internet. I hope in the future they will come here, too. I miss them very much."
  • Israel-EU rift deepening after talks over settlement funding ban hit impasse - EU representative rejects Israel's conditions concerning European funding for institutions operating beyond the Green Line; Horizon 2020 joint project in question. (Haaretz+)
  • Twins born in Bethlehem from smuggled sperm of prisoner - For the first time in Bethlehem, the wife of a Palestinian prisoner delivered two healthy twins after successful fertilization using sperm smuggled from her jailed husband, Ahmad al-Mughrabi from Duheisha refugee camp. (Maan)
  • Battle of religions over King David's Tomb - The holy compound, which attracts thousands of believers, turned into focus of conflict between Christians and Jews. At Dormition Abbey next door they say the (Jewish) worshippers spit on the priests and curse them. The Jews claim: The Christians remove our mezuzahs and throw prayer books. (Maariv, p. 1)
  • Shin Bet considering including film "Bethlehem" in training courses - The film, which depicts the relationship between a Shin Bet agent and his 'source,' gets much praise from the Shin Bet. A new initiative seeks to use the film as an illustration of its activities. (Maariv back page/NRG Hebrew)
  • Norway: "We will stop calling for the boycott of Israel" - New Foreign Minister Borge Brende: "A minister who proposes boycotting Israel will not be a cabinet member for long." (Maariv, p. 6/NRG Hebrew)
  • Joint Israeli-Jordanian Employment Park to be established in Jordan Valley - Ministerial Committee on Development of the Negev and Galilee approved Monday establishment of the park where Jordanians and Israelis will work together. Construction cost: 120 million shekels. (NRG Hebrew)
  • Apple confirms acquisition of Israeli 3D sensing company PrimeSense - PrimeSense is best known for its advanced body-movement tracking technology originally used for the Xbox 360, a popular gaming device. (Haaretz)

For the full News from Israel.

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