James Carville Fires Back at ‘Communist’ Bernie Sanders, Proudly Calls Himself a ‘Hack’
During a phone conversation with Vanity Fair contributor Peter Hamby on Thursday, veteran Democratic strategist fired back at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) after the Democratic presidential candidate called him a “political hack.”
“Last night on CNN, Bernie Sanders called me a political hack,” Carville said, according to Hamby. “That’s exactly who the fuck I am! I am a political hack! I am not an ideologue. I am not a purist. He thinks it’s a pejorative. I kinda like it! At least I’m not a communist.”
Sanders’ comments on Wednesday night came on the heels of Carville’s recent media blitz in which he said he was “scared to death” of Sanders capturing the nomination and warned that the democratic socialist would turn the Democratic Party into an “ideological cult.”