The police chief of Miyagi prefecture, one of three states hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami Friday, said he estimated the death toll would reach over 10,000, as millions of survivors continue to be without drinking water, electricity, or food. The quake was upgraded to a 9.0 this weekend. Only 379 people have been confirmed dead in Miyagi so far. According to officials, 1,200 were killed, including 200 people whose bodies were found along the coast Saturday. Japan has doubled the number of soldiers deployed in its aid effort to 100,000, and dozens of countries have offered assistance. Helicopters were flying from the USS Reagan aircraft carrier to deliver food and water, and another carrier is on its way. Still, relief efforts are divided by the simultaneous nuclear crisis at the Fukushima power station. There was at least one bit of good news: A 60-year-old man was rescued 10 miles off shore floating on his rooftop.
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