Last week, Jimmy Kimmel said in an interview that going after Donald Trump on his late-night show lost him half of his fanbase—and that he threatened to quit when ABC urged him to tone it down.
Well, it seems Trump got wind of the comments and used them to go after the host during “one of his blue-collar comedy tours,” Kimmel said.
The former president had earlier told a Pennsylvania rally crowd that Kimmel’s show is “practically dead” because his supporters won’t watch. “And that turned out to be a majority of the people,” Trump said. “The show is dead and so are the other ones.”
“That’s right, our show is dead,” Kimmel shot back with a laugh before demonstrating just how brutal his jokes about the former president can really be. “Our show is so dead he’s gonna bury it next to his ex-wife at one of his golf courses.”
“You know what's dead?” he asked. “I’ll tell you what’s dead. All those endangered animals your chinless son shot. That’s what’s dead.”
“You know what's dead?” Kimmel added. “The look in your wife’s eyes when you beg her for sex on your birthday.”
“And I will say, in January, our show will have been on for 20 years,” he continued. “You got kicked out after four. I’m on television, you’re on the toilet at your golf club screaming at yours.”
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