
Jon Stewart Takes On The Brian Williams Scandal


'Daily Show' anchor confronts his friend's, and the media's, mistakes


Jon Stewart and Brian Williams share a much-publicized bromance. Williams is a frequent guest on The Daily Show and the two enjoy a formidable rapport. So when Williams ran into some trouble with his “misremembering” of an incident in Iraq in 2003, Stewart had a problem.

After all, this is the kind of calamity of inaccuracy and self-contradiction on which Stewart normally thrives, but in this case his buddy is at the center of the storm.

Stewart took some swipes at his pal, but saved his fiercest jabs for the media. A number of Williams’ fellow news personalities, from Fox News to CNN to local news, seem more than eager to unhinge their jaws and devour the NBC anchor–and his career–whole. But Stewart is keen to remind us that these are the same people that were so derelict in their duty to police some other Iraq-flavored lies.

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