Kaley Cuoco took to Instagram on Wednesday to announce that she and actor Tom Pelphrey are engaged. “Amazing weekend,” Cuoco captioned a snap of the couple on her Instagram story. In a follow-up video, she gave her followers a closer look at the rock. “What a wild, beautiful journey life can be. Grateful for every road that led me straight to you @tommypelphrey,” the actress wrote on a video of her ringed finger. She also gave a shoutout to her jeweler who worked with Pelphrey to design the bling. According to People, the couple met at the Ozark premiere and announced to the world they were an item in May 2022. “It was love at first sight,” Cuoco told USA Today. In March 2023, Cuoco gave birth to their daughter, Matilda. Upon her arrival, the Big Bang Theory star called her “the new light of our lives.” In a gushy birthday post, Pelphrey called his fiancée “an amazing partner and an incredible mom.”
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