
Lifetime Ban for A-Rod?


Rodriguez’s name is being floated in newest steroids investigation.

Bradley C. Bower/AP

Milwaukee Brewers superstar Ryan Braun received a suspension for the rest of the season on Monday, could New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez be next—and face a lifetime ban? Rodriguez’s name has been floated as a client of the Biogenesis of America Clinic, where Braun allegedly got his steroids. Although A-Rod hasn’t played for the Yankees yet this year due to injury, his history with steroids is murky and he has admitted to using steroids prior to his Yankees career—but he has denied using them since. His presence on the Biogenesis client list seems to contradict that statement. After Braun cut a deal for a 65-game suspension, Rodriguez is now reported to be in talks with the league. Sources have indicated he faces a 150-game suspension—the maximum—or even a lifetime ban.

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