Rumors have been circulating about who will join former American Idol judge Simon Cowell on X Factor, which is coming to America in September after becoming a British hit. Cowell has kept mum on the subject until recently, when he confirmed in an interview that Mariah Carey will have a role on the show. Though he previously said her pregnancy made her unfit to be a judge, he apparently changed his mind. "I think Mariah will have a role on the live TV shows," he said. "I met her recently and she was in great form. And her idea was to be the judge of judges, which only Mariah could come up with." Cowell then gushed about the pregnant star, saying, "I literally adore her. I love her to bits." L.A. Reid is the only other confirmed judge on the show. Other rumored X Factor judges include Jessica Simpson, Nicki Minaj, and Cowell's former Idol partner in crime, Paula Abdul.
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