MyPillow Guy Loses It as CNN Reporter Tells Him: You Have ‘Proof of Nothing’
For a man who claims to have uncovered watertight evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, Mike Lindell sure gets defensive when his theories comes under any kind of questioning. In his latest embarrassing TV appearance in front of the nation, the MyPillow CEO—who has relentlessly pushed the lie that Donald Trump didn’t lose the election—made a fool of himself trying to defend his theories to CNN’s Drew Griffin. Lindell presented some meaningless screenshots that he wrongly claimed showed that Chinese hackers switched Trump votes to Biden, but his “evidence” was ridiculed when CNN asked experts to take a look. “We sent this to our own experts,” said Griffin. “He said it doesn’t show any specific actions of any kind, election-related or not, and he said it’s proof of nothing.” Lindell snapped back: “Oh, so he said it’s nothing, huh? Well he’s wrong, you didn’t hire a cyber expert.” Later in the interview, Lindell lost his temper, shouting at Griffin: “You’re lying!... I’m not wrong! I’ve checked it out! I’ve spent millions! You need to trust me!”