McConnell: ‘Highly Unlikely’ GOP Would Let Biden Fill Supreme Court Seat in 2024
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Monday said it’s “highly unlikely” President Joe Biden would be allowed to fill a Supreme Court seat in 2024 if the Republicans win back control of the Senate. “I think it’s highly unlikely—in fact, no, I don’t think either party, if it were different from the president, would confirm a Supreme Court nominee in the middle of an election,” he told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Monday. McConnell made his party’s intentions known after Hewitt asked if the GOP would follow the same course they did in 2016—when former President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland was refused even a hearing during the election cycle. Just four years later, however, Republicans were able to bulldoze a confirmation for Justice Amy Coney Barrett just weeks before Biden was elected president. On Monday, however, McConnell declined to even speculate on what Republicans would do if Biden tried to put forth a nominee in 2023. “We’ll have to wait and see what happens,” McConnell said.