NATO has quickly rescinded its refusal to apologize for accidentally killing rebels during an airstrike in eastern Libya, saying it "strongly regret[s] the loss of life" during a "friendly fire" incident. Earlier, NATO Rear Admiral Russell Harding said that until Thursday's strike, they weren't aware the rebels had flammable tanks. "I think we should apologize where there is error. If people are killed who are not attacking civilians, then it is a mistake," U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague said. Libyan rebels were reportedly angry about NATO'S blunder—the third since they took over operations from the U.S., France, and Britain a week ago—saying their allies should have been able to see them clearly advancing toward the front line. Harding refuted U.S. General Carter Ham's view that the Libyan conflict had reached a stalemate, and that rebel forces were unlikely to overthrow Gaddafi's forces.
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