According to the Trump campaign’s top surrogate, former Miss Universe Alicia Machado is the new Benghazi. Appearing Thursday afternoon on Sean Hannity’s radio show, Newt Gingrich said, “I think as fascinating to look at how the elite media bought—this is the new Benghazi lie—what Hillary tried to set up, and what they spend apparently months preparing was an ambush that was as false as Benghazi.” Trump’s top supporters have repeatedly attempted to paint Alicia Machado as a cartel-loving porn star—despite all evidence to the contrary—and have leveled a variety of sexist attacks her way, only further underscoring why the Clinton campaign seized upon the Trump-Machado beef to illustrate his issues with sexism. Without identifying what is false about Trump having openly mocked Machado’s weight, Gingrich suggested the media has, by and large, bought into a “lie”: “For three or four days they have run with [the story], and now, as happened in Ferguson, as happened in Benghazi, as happened in Bosnia, it’s all starting to fall apart because it’s based on a series of falsehoods.”
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