
Nuke Plant Can Be Decommissioned in 10 Years


Radioactive water release continues.

Japan Ministry of Defense / Kyodo / Landov

Toshiba, the maker of Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, says it can decommission the station in 10 years. Toshiba says it would remove the fuel rods from the reactor and storage pools and demolish the plant. Meanwhile, Tokyo Electric Power continues to dump 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean in order to make room to store more radioactive water currently flooding the plant and preventing the resumption of cooling. They hope to finish dumping by this weekend. Tepco also took further measures in plugging a leak that's been plaguing the plant, attaching steel sheets in the ocean nearby to block a seawater intake pipe and deploying a “silt fence” barrier around the pipe to minimize contamination.

Read it at The Wall Street Journal