
Pakistani Caterer Arrested in Plot

Times Square Attack

Frequently served U.S. diplomats.

A high-profile Pakistani caterer has been detained for possible connections to the attempted Times Square bombing by Faisal Shahzad, The New York Times reports. Salman Ashraf Khan is the owner of Hanif Rajput Caterers, which frequently serves events for American diplomats in Pakistan. The U.S. Embassy has warned against using his company, advising that “terrorist groups may have established links” to it. Khan’s father conceded that his son had anti-U.S. sentiments, adding, “but that is common,” and claimed to be “shocked” by his son’s detention. News of Khan’s arrest comes on the heels of reports that a major in the Pakistani army also knew of—and possibly aided—Shahzad’s plans to attempt to bomb Times Square. At the very least, the major, who has resigned, knew of the plans and did not alert the authorities. The major was also arrested over the weekend.

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