
Palestinian Killed by IDF Fire in Qabatiya

The News From Israel

Number of the day:7.9%--The percentage of Jewish Israelis who think a peace agreement will come out of the present talks.

  • Palestinian killed by IDF fire in Qabatiya - Palestinians report large IDF forces entered village near Jenin overnight; subsequent clashes left young man dead. (Ynet and Haaretz and Maan)
  • Army calls off protection of settlement following violent assault on soldier, driver - A Palestinian driver was beaten with a club and a soldier was attacked with pepper spray by masked men at the entrance to the settlement of Bat Ayin. (Haaretz+ and Ynet)
  • Israeli forces 'seal entrance to West Bank village' - Israeli forces on Thursday morning set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Ummar village north of Hebron and fired tear gas and stun grenades at Palestinians and fired live bullets into the area. (Maan)
  • Israeli forces hand out demolition orders in Hebron - On Thursday handed out three stop-work notices for houses and agricultural properties in the Wadi Aziz area in Idna village west of Hebron. Three days ago, the Israeli forces handed notifications and stop-work orders for properties belonging to the Idna association for cooperation and livestock development. (Maan)
  • Tension between IDF and rabbis over the integration of women - A program by the IDF Personnel Directorate chief will help women in the army, but make it difficult to recruit ultra-Orthodox. Among the steps: require religious soldiers to listen to women singing and require officers command female soldiers. (Maariv/NRG Hebrew)
  • Likud MK: Bennett agreed to prisoner release, then backtracked - Hanegbi says he can't recall another senior minister agreeing to cabinet understandings only to later dismiss them, making Israel looking insincere in its decision-making • Labor MK calls for urgent meeting over Habayit Hayehudi conduct. (Israel Hayom)
  • Poll: Habayit Hayehudi dips for first time since elections - Naftali Bennett's ploy over the Palestinian prisoner release rebounded, while Yesh Atid may have stopped the rot. (Globes)

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