“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli, who is best known for inflating the price of a drug to over $700 a tablet and defrauding investors, filed a lawsuit Friday claiming three people connected to a company he created defrauded him of $30 million. According to The New York Post, Shkreli claimed two members of the Retrophin board of directors and a consultant deceived him into signing a fake document that caused him to be ousted from the company. Shkreli alleged his departure made him lose out on $30 million in profits, which he said was motivated by the three defendants’ “egos, jealousy, and greed[.]” Retrophin is the same company involved in Shkreli’s 2017 securities fraud conviction. He was sentenced to seven years in prison for propping up the company’s stock price and defrauding investors in two hedge funds he created.
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