0Pomp, Circumstance and Manure: a Day in the Life of the Royal Household CavalryOn ParadeTom SykesRoyalist CorrespondentUpdated Jul. 13, 2017 1:35PM EDT / Published Mar. 29, 2012 7:31AM EDT Ben Stansall, AFP / Getty Images Parade Inspection Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images In ActionDimitar Dilkoff, WPA Pool, Getty Images Morning Ride Out Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images What's Up Cupcake? Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images The Reveille Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Morning Conference Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Stygian TaskBen Stansall, AFP / Getty Images Uniformly Impressive Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Pomp and Circumstance Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images New Shoes Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Saddling Up Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Elbow Grease Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Medal of HonourBen Stansall, AFP / Getty Images Tom SykesRoyalist Correspondent@royalisttom.sykes@thedailybeast.comGot a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast here.
Parade Inspection Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images In ActionDimitar Dilkoff, WPA Pool, Getty Images Morning Ride Out Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images What's Up Cupcake? Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images The Reveille Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Morning Conference Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Stygian TaskBen Stansall, AFP / Getty Images Uniformly Impressive Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Pomp and Circumstance Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images New Shoes Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Saddling Up Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Elbow Grease Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images Medal of HonourBen Stansall, AFP / Getty Images