Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday continued denying Kremlin involvement in the anti-Hillary Clinton hacking campaign during the 2016 election, telling Megyn Kelly that a child could commit such an attack. When the famed journalist, making her debut for NBC News, told Putin during a forum event in St. Petersburg that all evidence “points to Russia,” the Kremlin leader replied with a deflective denial. “What are you talking about? IP addresses, they can be invented... A kid of yours can send it, your girl that is 3-year-old can perpetrate such an attack, they present it like this, they can pass it off like this, and the specialists can invent anything and then they will blame someone else. These are not proofs. These are trying to shirk responsibility.” He went on to say that the problem lies in American policy, saying Hillary Clinton and the Democrats “don’t want to recognize their mistake right now” in losing to Donald Trump, and so they blame the Russians. Putin also said that connecting the Kremlin to the hackings “reminds me of anti-Semitism and blaming the Jews. This is disinformation.”
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