Reddit Investigation Finds U.S.-U.K. Trade Documents Posted on Platform Were Likely Part of Russian Campaign
Reddit announced Friday that a post containing links to leaked documents from the U.K. pertaining to a trade deal with the U.S. was part of what is thought to be a Russian campaign. The platform said they were banning one subreddit and 61 accounts after an investigation revealed that the accounts showed a pattern of coordination that had ties to a Russian campaign on Facebook called “Secondary Infektion.” In addition to the original post with leaked documents, one other account posted the documents and other accounts participated in vote manipulation on the post. Reddit said the suspect accounts were reported to them, and “indicators from law enforcement” helped them determine the coordination. The platform said it would keep the accounts up for a time to let the public “scrutinize them to see for themselves how these accounts operated.” According to the BBC, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn talked about the documents posted on Reddit during a press conference in late November.