The Russian lawyer who was present for a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with top campaign aides says Donald Trump Jr. indicated to her that a law targeting Russia could be re-evaluated if his father triumphed in the election, according to a Bloomberg News report. The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said she went to the meeting to lobby against the Magnitsky Act and to show Trump’s campaign officials that Democratic donors were evading U.S. taxes. Veselnitskaya reportedly said that Trump Jr. asked her if she had any evidence proving that money which had allegedly evaded U.S. taxes had gone to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Veselnitskaya told the news site that she plans to testify on those facts to the Senate Judiciary Committee, but only on the condition that her answers be made public—which the committee has not agreed to. She also reportedly said she is ready and willing to testify before special counsel Robert Mueller.
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