“Let’s get right to the big news, Hillary Clinton has passed away,” Samantha Bee said at the top of her first Full Frontal episode in weeks. And with that, she was off and running and reminding us how vital she is to this election cycle. “She says she’s not dead, but as we know she is a liar,” the host joked.
After showing the latest poll numbers that see the gap closing between Clinton and Donald Trump, Bee said, “Yay, we’re back within the margin of terror!
“Come on, Hillary, God has given you the gift of opponents even less appealing than you,” Bee said after breezing through a recap of what Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have been up to. “Just keep your eyes on the prize and take that high road straight to the White House.”
That declaration brought us to Clinton’s second-biggest scandal of the weekend: calling half of Trump’s supporters “deplorables.”
“No! Bad!” Bee said. “Swear to God, Hillary Clinton is the only woman I know who can trip over her own dick. What was that? Did your team just decide, hey, nothing else is working, why don’t we try insulting Americans into voting for her?”
While saying “it’s true that Trump’s rhetoric has inspired some bigots and mentally ill people to commit hate crimes and terrorize people of color,” Bee wondered if it that group really amounts to “half of all Trump supporters.”
Then, in old school Daily Show fashion, she proceeded to quote multiple surveys that show 65 percent of Trump supporters believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 59 percent believe he was born outside the U.S. On top of that, 60 percent of the GOP candidate’s fans associate immigration with “criminality,” and “nearly half” believe African-Americans are “more violent” than whites.
“OK,” Bee concluded, “We are going to need a bigger basket.”