Are Donald Trump’s tweets “official” White House statements? That was just one of many questions press secretary Sean Spicer and other Trump surrogates struggled to answer this week after the president continued to use his account to attack allies and promote false information.
“After this weekend’s terrorist attack in London, our president responded on Twitter,” Samantha Bee explained on her show Full Frontal on Wednesday night. “Unfortunately, this time he didn’t fall asleep mid-covfefe.” Instead, Trump attacked London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan, taking his calming words out of context in the process.
“What is wrong with you?” Bee asked. “Are you just fulfilling your annual Ramadan tradition of hurling insults at grief-stricken Muslims named Khan?” she added, referring to Trump’s war against Gold Star father Khizr Khan from last summer.
“London does not need us to tell them to be scared, Pumpkin Spice,” Bee told Trump. “They’ve been weathering invasions, attacks, and dark wizards since before America even existed. They invented ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ decades before it became an overused meme to help our aunt make a joke out of her drinking problem.”
“But it’s no surprise that Trump reacting by raging against an ally and jabbering about his stupid travel ban in a series of future Supreme Court exhibits,” Bee continued. “Trump is the only senile old man in the world who’s actually correct that the TV is talking to him.” She demonstrated how the “quivering couch-lice” at Fox & Friends fed terror-themed talking points directly to Trump, who promptly spread them on his Twitter account.
“While the sofa sorority were licking the underside of POTUS’ tweets, his surrogates were chastising reporters for stooping to notice a president’s public utterances,” Bee said, playing a montage of Kellyanne Conway, Seb Gorka, and others playing down the importance of those messages.
“You want to keep Americans safe, Mr. President?” Bee asked. “Here’s a thought: Stack your government. Read a book. And for the love of God, take the advice a woman gave you exactly one year ago: Delete your fucking account.”