Selena: The Series is coming to Netflix, the streaming service announced Tuesday. The new series, centered around the life of the late Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla, will be a coming of age story. In 1995, the best-selling female artist in Latin music history was shot and killed by her fan club manager, Yolanda Saldivar. The project has the full support of the singer’s family, according to Netflix. “Selena will always have a lasting place in music history and we feel great responsibility to do justice to her memory. With this series, viewers will finally get the full history of Selena, our family, and the impact she has had on all of our lives,” said Selena’s sister, Suzette Quintanilla, in a statement. “We are excited to partner with... Netflix to give fans a never-before-seen glimpse at our story and highlight why Selena will remain a legend for generations to come.”
Details about casting, the length of the episodes, or a possible premiere date have yet to be released. Netflix shared a 15-second teaser trailer, revealing only the name of the show over a cheering crowd.