Slain Teacher’s Daughter Pens Heartbreaking Tribute: ‘I Don’t Know How to Do This Life Without You’
The daughter of a fourth-grade teacher senselessly murdered in the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Texas has shared a devastating tribute to her mom. “I have no words to describe how I feel right now, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. I never thought that I would be here writing this type of post for you,” Adalynn wrote of 44-year-old Eva Mireles. She called her a mom “a hero” who tried to save her students’ lives by shielding them from the teen gunman who killed 19 kids in her classroom. “I want to hug you one last time and I want to feel the calluses on your hands because you were not only a teacher during the day, but the most hardworking cross fitter in the afternoon,” she continued, adding, “I want everything back.” “You are so known by many now and I’m so happy that people know your name and that beautiful face of yours and they know what a hero looks like. I don’t know how to do this life without you, but I will take care of dad,” Adalynn vowed. She ended the heartbreaking post by thanking her mom for “being such an inspiration.”