
Tanning Beds Cause Cancer

Obvious Science

As bad for you as asbestos and cigarettes.


Apparently, tanning beds are as bad for you as asbestos, arsenic, radium, and cigarettes. The ultraviolet light in the beds causes cancer, according to a new report by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer. The Los Angeles Times reports that, according to the study, using tanning beds before age 30 increases a person's risk of skin cancer by 75 percent. More importantly, the special committee that conducted the review concluded that all UV radiation induces cancer, not just UV-B rays, as was previously thought, but also the UV-A rays that some tanning salons claim are safer. No one has to commit to a colorless future, though: The American Cancer Society suggests the use of bronzing creams as a safe alternative.

Read it at Los Angeles Times