Teenage shooter Jaylen Fryberg, who opened fire in the cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington state last week, may have had more victims had it not been for the bold actions of a young teacher, CNN reports. Fryberg fatally shot a female student and wounded four others before killing himself. Teacher Megan Silberberger was in a nearby office when she heard the shots and, “She ran into the cafeteria and saw students down,” said Randy Davis, president of the Marysville Education Association. “She ran toward the shooter, to stop him... and help secure [him].” Erick Cervantes, a student who witnessed the incident, told KIRO-TV, “She just grabbed his arm. She’s the one that intercepted him with the gun. He tried either reloading or tried aiming at her.” He called Silberberger “the real hero.” Silberberger declined interview requests, saying in a statement that, “At this time I am requesting privacy.”
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