
The Farewell Chronicles

White House scandals! Administration refugees! Cheney’s memior! As George W. Bush ends his eighth and final year as president, The Daily Beast takes stock of the aftermath.


White House scandals! Administration refugees! Cheney’s memoir! As George W. Bush ends his eighth and final year as president, The Daily Beast takes stock of the aftermath.


20 Forgotten Bush Scandalsby The Daily Beast

In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, George H.W. Bush congratulated his son on running a “clean operation." Bush apparently wasn’t paying very close attention ... MORE >>




I Survived the Bush Presidencyby The Daily Beast

From “Brownie” to the beleaguered author of The Pet Goat, Part III of The Daily Beast's Farewell Chronicles presents an oral history of the shell-shocked survivors of the Bush administration ... MORE >>



Bush is Broken, Frightened, And Plagued By Voicesby Justin Frank

Psychiatrist Justin Frank, author of Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President, says Bush's final speech revealed a fragile man still fighting imaginary enemies to battle his inner demons. ... MORE >>



20 More Forgotten Bush Scandalsby Benjamin Sarlin

By popular demand, The Daily Beast presents a sequel to its compilation of Bush administration improprieties. New scandals include: military coups ... MORE >>



How Much is a Bush Speech Worth?by Benjamin Sarlin

The soon-to-be ex-president is planning to “replenish the ol’ coffers” on the lecture circuit. Will anybody be willing to pay? ... MORE >>



Son of Nixonby John W. Dean

In Part II of the Farewell Chronicles, Nixon aide John Dean plans the retirement of Dick Cheney—and details the veep's similarities with his former boss ... MORE >>



The Last Dickby Michael Schaffer

When Richard B. Cheney exits his undisclosed location next month, he will probably be the last major figure in American life to answer to the name "Dick" ... MORE >>



Karl Rove Destroyed My Lifeby Paul Alexander

Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman blames Republican dirty tricks for the nine months he spent in prison. He talks to the Daily Beast’s Paul Alexander about clearing his name, anger at Rove—and mopping prison floors. Plus, read Scott Horton’s piece on What the Justice Department is Hiding ... MORE >>



Flashbackby Paul Alexander

With the U.S. economy in meltdown mode, a campaign commercial made 14 years ago suddenly seems painfully prophetic. In 1994, when George W. Bush was challenging Ann Richards to become governor of Texas, she deployed the slogan ... MORE >>



Why Bush Loves Violenceby Justin Frank

Psychiatrist Justin Frank, author of Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President, says the trail of destruction wrought by Bush over the last eight years is the direct consequence ... MORE >>



In Defense of the Bush Doctrineby Reza Aslan

Would the war in Gaza still be happening if we'd listened to George Bush? The Daily Beast's Reza Aslan on why Bush has every right to say "I told you so" when it comes to the Middle East ... MORE >>



How I Got Interrogated by the Bushiesby John Avlon

Right after 9/11, I saw the Bushies’ partisan silliness up close ... MORE >>



Karl Rove Is Following Meby Rachel Sklar

Bush’s Brain started microblogging his thoughts on Twitter last week and some people already think he’s pretty adorable. Can one of the most divisive men in America actually change his image—140 characters at a time? ... MORE >>



What Bush Really Knew About WMDsby Tyler Drumheller

A former top CIA official reveals new details about the run-up to the war in Iraq. ... MORE >>



What Should Have Beenby Charles Burson

Al Gore's chief of staff recalls the 2000 debacle in Florida and the bitterness and pain of knowing what should have been ... MORE >>



Bush's Last Stand by Peter Beinart

The outgoing president's cosmic and often hypocritical parting words last night ... MORE >>



Why Two Bush Appointees Are Refusing to Leaveby Scott Horton

Two U.S. attorneys appointed by Dubya are refusing to leave the Justice Department when Obama takes office. Their explanation: they've got too many corrupt Democrats to prosecute! ... MORE >>

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