Looking for a stocking stuffer for someone who loves both crayons and conservatism? Look no further—the Ted Cruz coloring book is here.
Just in time for the holiday season, Really Big Coloring Books from St. Louis, Missouri has produced a 24-page Ted Cruz coloring book. Available for only $4.99 (and even cheaper with a bulk discount), the book features the freshman Texas senator hunting, speaking on the Senate floor, and sitting with family in scenes that children of all ages can color in.
According to the publisher, “The Cruz to the Future™ book is a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow.” The company maintains that it “created this comic coloring and activity book not as an endorsement of Sen. Ted Cruz but rather as an educational tool to be used in schools and perhaps as a handout for groups, clubs and organizations…He is a positive role model worthy of study in any school.”
Cruz, a Tea Party favorite, has long been considered a potential presidential candidate in 2016 and has made several visits to Iowa. He reached national prominence with his 21-hour speech on the Senate floor on the eve of the government shutdown.
Really Big Coloring Books also has published a number of other topical coloring books, including books focused on terrorism, the Occupy movement, and the fiscal cliff.