Trump Announces $230 Picture Book to Fleece Dumbasses in Time for Christmas
When a president leaves office, it’s normal for their minds to turn to the writing of a memoir that will help to sculpt their place in history. Donald Trump’s first post-presidency tome will be a picture book—although, in fairness, he has written some of the captions all by himself. The book, Our Journey Together, is available for pre-order on Trump’s website at the absurd price of $229.99 for a signed version or $74.99 without the scribble. The picture book will contain hundreds of photos to help MAGA fans “relive the unforgettable moments” of Trump’s presidency, and will start shipping in December, making it the ideal Christmas gift for the dumbest members of the family. Speaking of which, Donald Trump Jr. has spoken to Axios about the book, boasting to the site: “My father picked every single photo in this book, wrote all the captions, including some by hand.”