Trump Is Back to Griping About Hollywood, Ratings, and Other Pointless Things
It’s like the last four years never happened. Donald Trump is back to griping about one of the things he seems to care about most: How much he hates Hollywood. In a statement released on Tuesday, two days after the Oscars, the former president celebrated the Academy Awards’ low TV ratings, which he put down to the event’s “ridiculous” formula, Democrat-leaning hosts, political correctness and decision to forgo its formal name for the “less important and elegant name” of “the Oscars.” Obsessing over the Oscars has always been a favorite pastime of Trump’s—as has attacking celebs he hates, from “washed up psycho” Bette Midler, to “very low IQ” Robert de Niro, to cheating “dog” Kristen Stewart, “over-rated” Meryl Streep, and “boring” Samuel. L. Jackson.