Tyra Banks’s New Show: Tyra Banks is bringing another model-themed show to television. ABC has picked up her script for Fivehead, titled for Bank’s high school nickname when students made fun of her large forehead. The show will chronicle Banks’s, “long journey from awkward teen to one of the world’s most recognizable supermodels.” [Deadline]
Brad Pitt’s Chanel Ad: Brad Pitt’s campaign for Chanel No. 5 has debuted and it’s, well, pretty bizarre. In the 30-second advertisement Pitt offers a handful of philosophical statements like, “Every journey ends but we go on,” and, “The world turns and we turn with it,” while calling the timeless fragrance, “inevitable.” Pitt was reportedly paid $7 million for his participation in the campaign that marks the first time that Chanel has featured a man in a female-geared campaign. [Telegraph]
Rihanna’s Lost in Time: Rihanna is Vogue’s latest cover star with a fashion spread that shows off her newly cropped haircut. Inside the story Riri reveals that, “I never know what day it is…never, ever, ever,” and when writer Jason Gay asked her what day it was at the time of her interview she replied, “Ooh, I went to say Saturday. It’s Wednesday. Wednesday.” [Vogue]