America isn’t quite done with its Libya airstrikes: The U.S. granted a NATO request to extend its role in air combat through Monday—a two-day extension. As of Saturday, no U.S. aircraft were supposed to carry out missions in Libya unless NATO officials specifically requested it and Washington gave its approval. But American air power is still in demand, and three types of U.S. aircraft will continue to lead strikes for another day. A NATO spokeswoman said the extension request was on account of “poor weather conditions” the past few days, but didn’t elaborate further. A U.S. military official clarified that a heavy cloud over Libya has held back allied airstrikes. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are beginning to agitate against the U.S. drawback, fearing that a stalemate might leave Gaddafi in power. "To take the best air force in the world and park it during this fight is outrageous," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said. "When we called for a no-fly zone, we didn't mean our planes."
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