
Where to Find Us After Open Zion


As Open Zion comes to a close, we hope that you will continue to engage with the topics we’ve raised, and might even seek us out on Twitter as we move on.

Open Zion has been a fairly unprecedented publication. Hosted by a mainstream outlet and supportive of the kind of (yes) open discourse that one almost never finds surrounding Israel/Palestine (or broader Middle East issues), OZ’s writers and editors have not always agreed with each other. Indeed, we were often encouraged to express our rather frank disagreement right here on the blog’s front page.

We have always, and undeniably, been a largely Jewish, pro-Israel outlet that is broadly supportive of a two-state peace (whatever the Jewish right may have told you), but for a year Open Zion’s senior editor was an Iranian-American, and we’ve regularly run work by Palestinians who oppose a two-state solution (and one or two who support it)—things that should be entirely unremarkable, but sadly still are not. Moreover, OZ has always been willing to question whatever cultural, political, or religious assumptions currently en vogue regarding Jews who are pro-Israel—another thing that shouldn’t be worthy of note but is. We made some people pretty mad, but we think we gave more people a kind of online home.

If you were one of the many folks who found writers and ideas that intrigued or challenged you at Open Zion, we hope that you will continue to engage with the topics we’ve raised, and might even seek us out as we move on. Following you’ll find a directory of most of Open Zion’s frequent contributors, with Twitter handles. Some are updated constantly, others only now and then, but all of us would like to keep this conversation going. Thanks for a great couple of years.


Bernard Avishai @bavishai

Peter Beinart @PeterBeinart

Rachel Cohen @rmc031

Brandon Davis @brandav19

Matt Duss @mattduss

Lara Friedman @Lara_APNDaniel Gavron @danielgavron Lauren Gelfond @LaurenGelfond

Ali Gharib @Ali_Gharib

Elisheva Goldberg @ShevGoldberg

J.J. Goldberg @jj_goldberg

Lisa Goldman @lisang

Allison Good @Allison_Good1

Gershom Gorenberg @GershomG

Orly Halpern @JerusalemBureau

Emily L. Hauser @emilylhauser

Hussein Ibish @ibishblog

Matthew Kalman @MatthewKalman

Matt Lerner @maduhthias

Geoffrey Levin @geoff_levin

Raphael Magarik @RaffiMagarik

Jay Michaelson @jaymichaelson

Anna Lekas Miller @agoodcuppa

Anna Momigliano @annamomi

Yousef Munayyer @YousefMunayyer

Zack Parker @Zack_Parker_

Trita Parsi @tparsi

Jesse Rosenfeld @jrosyfield

Sigal Samuel @SigalSamuel

Brent Sasley @besasley

Briggette Sayegh @Journosage

Amy Schiller @justaschill

Mira Sucharov @sucharov

Matt Surrusco @mattsurrusco

Gil Troy @GilTroy

Hannah Weisfeld @hannahweisfeld

Aryeh Younger @beaconmag

Maysoon Zayid @maysoonzayid

Simone Zimmerman @simonerzim

This directory was compiled by Emily L. Hauser.

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