What’s the statement of the great mint in Doublemint gum? Looks like Wrigley thinks it’s something along the lines of “Don’t hit your girlfriend.” The chewing gum maker announced this week that they’d fired R&B singer Chris Brown from their most recent Doublemint Gum campaign after Brown, 20, plead guilty to charges of assaulting pop star Rihanna, his former girlfriend. In February, when Brown was arrested on suspicion of attacking Rihanna, Wrigley admitted that it was “concerned” by the accusation, but acknowledged that Brown deserved fair legal treatment. But when Brown admitted that he’d assaulted his former girlfriend, Wrigley terminated their relationship. Brown’s hit song "Forever" was part of Wrigley's advertising campaign, and incorporated the old Doublemint jingle lyrics “double your pleasure, double your fun” into the R&B dance track.
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