For hardcore UFO believers, it’s a case almost too good to be true. A mysterious, horseshoe-shaped object appeared along the Earth’s horizon in NASA’s live feed from the International Space Station—and then the feed was cut.
Cue the X-Files music.
“They've been doing this,” UFO hunter Tyler Glockner told KOMO News, referring to NASA. “They have their hand on the 'chicken switch,' as they call it. And they monitor these feeds and sometimes they're not quick enough, and these UFOs appear."
"These UFOs" are the whole series of strange shapes that have appeared lately on the Space Station's feed. But for UFO truthers, a couple of things make this latest one special. One is that that the feed cuts so unceremoniously to blue screen. The other is the way the thing moves.
“It actually looks like the UFO changes its position,” Glockner said. “When we first see it, it’s more on its side.”
Meanwhile, NASA has its own exciting explanation. As they told the Daily Mail, the recent mysterious objects could be “reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth.”
As for the live feed of the horseshoe-shaped spacecraft/lens flare, NASA says no one intentionally cut it off.
“The station regularly passes out of range of the Tracking and Relay Data Satellites (TDRS) used to send and receive video, voice and telemetry from the station,” a spokesperson for NASA told ValueWalk.
The only problem with this explanation, of course, is that it’s so much more boring.